Open Scores Lab members Louis d’Heudieres and James Saunders had pieces played in November at series in London and Manchester. Louis’s new piece Vox Pop was performed at Bastard Assignments’ New Teeth 3 show at Block 336 in Brixton on 4 November. The piece extends his use of audio scores, using Wagner as source material for a series of descriptions and imitations of actions and contexts associated with operatic conventions. Louis is currently working on a new piece for Jetpack Bellerive in Lausanne in December.
James’s reassigned #2 was played in 171116|ddmmyy at Sandbar, Manchester on 17 November. This is the second piece that uses repurposed material from his #[unassigned] series. The piece is for multiple duos, each comprising a radio and instrumentalist who alternate in making sounds. James is currently working on new pieces for BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra for Tectonics (Glasgow) and Dogstar Orchestra in California.
Both Louis and James have pieces in Maulwerker’s event Labor Sonore in Berlin on 28 November. Louis’s Laughter Studies 3 and James’s everybody do this are part of a programme curated by Joanna Bailie.
[photo of Bastard Assignments © Dimitri Djuric]