Lab members Matthew Sergeant, Louis d’Heudieres and James Saunders have presented papers at three international conferences so far this summer. James’s paper ‘What’s the point? Balancing purpose and play in rule-based compositions’ was given at the Performing Indeterminacy conference at University of Leeds on 30 June, followed by a performance of his piece sometimes we do what you say, but occasionally we don’t. Matthew presented his paper ‘Queered orientation(s): Re-imagining the taxonomy and interrelation of musical materials in The Velvet Rage (2017)’ at the MuSA 2017 conference in Karlsruhe. Louis chaired a session on Ephemeral Scores and the Work-Concept at the RMA Music and Philosophy Study Group conference at King’s College London on 13 July, which included a paper on his Laughter Studies series.
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LAB 18: Thomas Meadowcroft, Goni Peles
Wednesday 14 November, 12-4pm (CM.107) For Lab 18 we welcome composer Thomas Meadowcroft from Berlin to talk about his recent work, focusing on composing and neoliberalism. In the second half of the Lab, PhD composer Goni Peles will present his recent CompositionCloud project, with some opportunities to create content and explore distributed creative practices. 12-2pm […]
Matt Robertson at Vocal Vertebra Bcn
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Robert Luzar’s Demonstrations at SKELF
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