Lab 23: Paul Whitty, Matthew Sergeant

Wednesday 3 April, 12-4, CM107

Join us and go back to nature in Lab 23. Composer and sound artist Paul Whitty will talk about his recent site-specific work, field recording (literally), and football. In the afternoon session Matthew Sergeant will show his current work on materiality with a new piece for gravel and instruments.

Paul Whitty: I tried living in the real world [12-2pm]

Paul Whitty talks about standing in fields; the auditory archaeology of grassroots football; mis-reading notation and fast-forwarding through cassette-tapes.

Paul is a composer and sound artist who spends a lot of his time making field recordings and intervening in pre-exisiting musical scores and contexts. His interests include site-specific practice; the use of found materials; field recording; verbal scores and improvisation. He is Professor of Composition and a Director of the Sonic Art Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University.

Matthew Sergeant: Earthworks [2-4pm, possibly outside]

Matthew Sergeant is a composer whose music is currently exploring ideas surrounding identity and hybridity, space and place. His work is frequently performed both throughout the UK and the rest of the world including continental Europe, the USA, Asia and Australasia. Matthew’s music has been commissioned and/or performed by internationally acclaimed ensembles including the London Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Concert Orchestra, the BBC Singers, CEPROMusic (Mexico), Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Divertimento Ensemble (Italy), ELISION (Australia), ensemble 10/10, ensemble plus-minus, EXAUDI and the Nieuw Ensemble (Netherlands) and has featured at major international festivals, including the BMIC Cutting Edge Series (London, UK), Festival Musica (Strasbourg, France, HCMF (Huddersfield, UK) and Sydney International Festival. His music is regularly broadcast, including BBC Radio 3 and ABC Classical (Australia). Having previously lectured at the RNCM and the University of Huddersfield, Matthew is currently senior lecturer in composition at Bath Spa University. @matthewsergeant

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