Wednesday 7 December, 12-4pm, CM131
The third lab considers the nature of scoring and its relationship with digital technologies. We welcome composer David Pocknee to talk about the grid, completeness, and divination, following a presentation and discussion led by Andrew Hugill on human and machine creativity and their impact on score paradigms.
12-2pm: Andrew Hugill
Andrew Hugill: Encounter with silence
I will present a number of recent and current projects which use digital technologies to extend or transform the concept and practice of the “open score”. A number of issues are likely to arise: the role of the user/audience; the creative abuse of technologies; the dominance of the concert-hall paradigm; notation; human vs. machine creativity; and doubtless several more.
2-4pm: David Pocknee
Quantization, Divination and Completism are some methods I use to compose
Quantization is the process of gridding things up – transforming continuous data into discrete data. A divinatory technique is used to prophecy the future using supernatural means. Completism is a term used for describing a type of work which attempts to exhaust all possible combinations or permutations of a fixed set of material. I use all three of these techniques in my compositional practice and I’ll talk about my use of them in relation to some recent work.